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Using the library

Visit the Using the Library page to find information about accessing the library and our resources. 

You can find out when we're open on the opening times page.


During your studies, you will need to support your work with proper academic referencing. Our referencing system is AUB Harvard.

For the definitive guide to AUB Harvard, please use the library’s Referencing Guide. For further information or to ask a question, feel free to contact the Foundation Subject Librarian.

If you're interested in Zotero, the university's reference management software, please refer to the Zotero tab on the Referencing Guide, or email the Foundation Subject librarian to book a one-to-one session.

Study skills eBooks

Recommended books for Unit 1: Diagnostic Investigation into Creative Practice

Special collections


The Artists’ Books collection includes unique artistic productions from a whole range of artists. You are free to explore these in the library.


The Japanese Photo Library is a comprehensive selection of Japanese Photobooks. These can be found on the main library shelves.


The Materials Library is a collection of samples including ceramics, plastics, glass, paper, metal, timber in the library. You are free to handle and photograph them for your work.


Visionaire is a luxury art and fashion publication that pushes the boundaries of format. To view the collection, please contact the Foundation Subject Librarian.


The Museum of Design in Plastics is the UK's leading resource for the study and interpretation of design in plastic. It has an exhibition space on the first floor which you can visit during library opening hours.


The Thorp Archive contains photographs, records, and even models from Thorp Modelmakers, the oldest architectural modelmakers in Britain. For access, please contact the Foundation Subject Librarian.

Finding resources for study and research

To find resources tailored to your specialism, take a look at the subject guide(s) for your area, listed below. These contain detailed information about a wide range of useful resources specific to the subject area, such as books and eBooks; journals and magazines; image and film databases; and highly specialist resources. 

If you need further help accessing resources, please contact the Foundation Subject Librarian.

What is a Subject Librarian?

Your Subject Librarian can help with:

Conducting research and finding high-quality sources

Using information resources and search tools effectively

Referencing, from in-text citations to your bibliography

Support for additional needs

The library has a dedicated contact for disabled and dyslexic students. If you have any queries or concerns about using the library, or need any additional support, please email Kay Day, who will be able to help you.

Recommended magazines

Subject guides for each specialism