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Collections: Books & eBooks

Book Collections

The Library buys both print and eBooks to support the curriculum and research at the University. We aim to provide a balanced collection with a broad range of books on arts, design, media and performance. We supplement this with books on complimentary subjects such as cultural studies, history, science and anatomy, study skills etc. This allows you to read widely and explore different view points. 

Reading List Books

Reading list books need to be read by a large number of students and we aim to ensure equal access to these resources either with an eBook or with scanned chapters made available through course blogs. With popular titles we will also provide a reference copy of the title, so that you can come and read the print book in the Library. 

eBook Collections

Finding Books & eBooks

Some books are only available as eBooks, so always search the Library Search Plus in addition to checking the shelves. eBooks are great because they let you search through the whole book for keywords, copy key quotes, and highlight or add notes against interesting passages as you read. 

To find a book in the Library, first search the Library Catalogue. This will give you an idea about the range of books on a topic, as well as information about where you can find a book on the shelf.