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Animation: Journals & Magazines

Journals & Magazines

Journals and Magazines

The Library subscribes to a range of specialist publications, providing research sources that your course will expect you to engage with.

Digital and Physical

Publications are available online (eJournals) or in print form in the Library. You can access some publications in both online and print form.

Academic and Non-academic

Academic journals contain content that is written by academics. They are often peer-reviewed and assessed to be fit for publication by other academics within your discipline. 

Non-academic publications are not usually written by academics and are often focused on professional practice.

Full text or Abstract

Full text articles allows you to read them in full, much like an eBook, so you are reading the text on screen in its entirety, as it was printed in the journal/magazine.

Abstracts are a brief description of the article and wont always allow you to read the article in full text.

If you can cannot access an article, you can request an inter-library loan.

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Recommended Journals & Magazines

Finding Journal Articles

Search the Publication finder by title to find electronic versions of individual journal/magazines.

To search generally on a topic, use Search Plus across the entire Library's eJournals and database collection. Narrow the search by selecting the All Filters button and then specific resources on the right.


Google Scholar

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Google Scholar Search

Online Resources

This list offers a range of resources that are accessible on the web, but not subscribed to by the library - if the Journals and Databases do not have what you are looking for, you may be able to find useful information here. This is not a complete list of our online resources, but a taste of what the internet has to offer.

ACM Digital Library
Association of Computing Machinery archive of papers and publications, including SIGGRAPH.

Alphaville Journal
Peer-reviewed online journal on Film and Screen Media.

Animation Studies
Society for Animation Studies’ peer-reviewed online journal.

Black Camera
An international scholarly film journal, documenting the black cinematic experience.

Bright Lights
An online popular-academic film journal.

Database for Animation Studies
A database of literature that is regarded as important in current animation research. (Translated from Japanese)

Directory of Open Access Journals
Open access scholarly journals.

Filming in England - Creative England
Great guidance on filming on location throughout the UK - including really useful 'planning your shoot' pages.

How films develop and contribute to philosophical discussion. 

Jump Cut
Material on film, television, video, new media, and related media and cultural analysis.

Film journal of the Danish Film Institute

Media Industries Journal
Critical studies of media industries and institutions worldwide. 

Movie : A Journal of Film Criticism
The aesthetics of film and television style, close textual analysis, and/or the theory and practice of evaluating works of film and television. 

Open Screens Journal 
Open-access online journal of the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies.

Screenwriting Research Network 
Critical analysis of the screenplay form and of screen idea development practice from different informed viewpoints. 

Senses of Cinema
One of the first online film journals of its kind with high quality, film-related content.

Widescreen Journal
A peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of cinema, television and new media.

Zippy Frames
Zippy Frames is the premiere online journal that promotes European and Independent Animation worldwide.

Animation Arena
Interviews with professional Character Animators, Game Designers and more.

Animated Documentary Blog
Information on films, writing, news and events.

The Animation Guild 
Representing animation artists, writers and technicians since 1952.

Animation Resources
Over 6,000 digitized animated films and over 125,000 high-resolution images.

Animation World Network (AWN)
Animator profiles, independent film distribution, commercial studio activities, licensing, CGI and other animation technologies.

Art Directors Guild
The ADG is comprised of Art Directors, Graphic Artists, Illustrators, Matte Artists, Model Makers, Scenic Artists, Set Designers and Title Artists. 

Ars Electronica
Ars Electronica is a worldwide unique platform for art, technology and society.

BBC Academy
BBC training for film, television and media.

BFI Library Catalogue
800,000 film titles – including television programmes, documentaries, newsreels, as well as educational and training films – and is updated daily.

Black Film
Blackfilm’s mission is to promote and support diversity in filmmaking.

British Cinematographer
British Cinematographer is Europe's No.1 magazine covering the art and craft of international cinematography. 

British Council Film
British Council Film is the link between UK films and filmmakers and new international audiences.

British Society of Cinematographers
Promoting the highest standards in the art and craft of cinematography. 

British Universities Film and Video Council - Learning on Screen
Experts in the use of moving image in education, delivering online academic databases, on demand video resources, training, and information.

Cartoon Brew
Cutting-edge computer animation and visual effects for both television and film, to classical techniques like hand-drawn and stop motion.

Channel 4 - Producers Handbook
This site aims to give helpful and practical guidance to all producers and editorial staff on the main areas of law, the Ofcom Code, and best practice guidelines that apply to the making and broadcast of Channel 4’s programmes and online content.

Character Design
Interviews and galleries from the top artists in animation, film, games illustration and comics.

Computer Graphics Society
Supports artists at every level by offering a range of services to connect, inform, educate and promote digital artists worldwide.

Creative Bloq
Advice and inspiration for digital and traditional artists, web designers, graphic designers, 3D and VFX artists, illustrators, and more.

European Audiovisual Observatory 
Collects and distributes information about the audiovisual industries in Europe. 

Feminist Frequency
Analyzes modern media’s relationship to societal issues such as gender, race, and sexuality. 

GDC Vault
A trove of in-depth design, technical and inspirational talks and slides from the influencers of the game development industry.

Genna Davis Institute for Gender in Media
Working collaboratively within the entertainment industry to engage, educate and influence the creation of gender balanced onscreen portrayals.

Motionographer is a source of inspiration and insight for designers, animators and storytellers of all stripes.

Motion Picture Company (MPC-RND)
British visual effects company. Click the Articles link to find cutting edge VFX papers presented at SIGGRAPH.

Movie Review Query Engine (MRQE)
The Internet’s largest database of movie reviews for over 100,000 titles

My First Job in Film
Making finding work less about who you know and more about your skills and achievements.

National Association for Higher Education in the Moving Image
A forum for debate on all matters pertaining to the teaching of practice in the Moving Image in Higher Education.

Notebook is a digital magazine of international cinema and film culture provided by

The industry-led skills body for the UK's screen-based creative industries.

Shooting People
Started in the belief that the best way to get independent films made and out into the world was to learn from others doing it themselves.

Short Film Depot
A site for Film Directors, Producers, Distributors, Organizations and Schools to enter their films into the major festivals.

Society for Animation Studies
Provides a focus for animation studies, publishing papers and articles on animation at academic conferences and in scholarly journals. 

Stop Motion Magazine
Educate, inform, and inspire those who share a love and passion for stop motion animation in all its forms.

Brings the animation community a wide range of up-to-date content; including news, interviews, reviews, podcasts, videos and tutorials. 

A directory for trans+ and non-binary professionals in film and TV

The Knowledge Online
Over 20,000 UK and international production suppliers.

Visual Effects Society
The entertainment industry's only organization representing the full breadth of visual effects practitioners.

Women in Animation
Dedicated to advancing women in the field of animation, providing resources and connections to make it happen.


The databases listed below are useful for finding scholarly information about film, animation and visual effects.


A full list of every resource that the Library has access to can be found on the A-Z of Databases

Database / Journal / Article

Database / Journal / Article highlights an article within your specialism, while also showing you what journal and database the article can be accessed through.

Database: Sage Journals

Journal : Animation an Interdisciplinary Journal

Article: Kohara, I., & Niimi, R. (2013). The Shot Length Styles of Miyazaki, Oshii, and Hosoda: A Quantitative Analysis. Journalism8(2), 889–902.

Abstract: How does a director express his or her film style in animated films produced by a group? To address this issue, the authors analyzed the shot length of 22 Japanese animated films directed by Miyazaki Hayao, Oshii Mamoru, and Hosoda Mamoru.

Read the article online.