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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Diversify Your Research

How to Search Diversely

There are systemic issues with what gets published and what search engine algorithms find and prioritise. To start to overcome these barriers and diversify our research material, we need to search beyond traditional publications, and utilise different search tools and strategies.

Use this page to explore some different resources in your subject area, and to begin to search critically and seek out diverse perspectives. 

Citing Africa

Citing Africa

Citing Africa is a podcast and blog series from LSE exploring the global construction and imbalances of knowledge production, taking a critical look at the wider context affecting the African continent.

Recommended Resources

Use the tabs above to explore links to resources by area of study.

All selected resources are platforms for exploration of arts-based topics, aiming to expand the narrative and query the canon in these disciplines. Resources include critical bibliographies and reading lists, global art and design archives, databases, academic conferences and other media.

This list is not exhaustive. It should be used as a starting point designed to help you locate books, articles and resources, and open up new research pathways into further study in these subject areas.

Featured Resource

What is 'Authority'?

When researching at university you are expected to cite people who are considered an 'authority' on the subject. But authority is a constructed and contextual concept:

Authority is constructed in that various communities may recognise different types of authority, such as lived experience. Academic publishing systems privilege certain voices, but other forms of publishing have emerged from marginalised communities, e.g. zines, newsletters and newspapers. We need to determine the validity of the information created by different authorities and acknowledge the biases that privilege some sources of authority over others, in relation to others worldviews, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and cultural backgrounds. 

Authority is contextual in that different kinds of projects or discussions may require voices that have been historically excluded from publication systems. Unlikely voices can be considered authoritative, depending on the subject area and research approach.