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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Home

On this Guide

Introduction to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and the support available in the Library.

Diversify Your Research
How to search diversely and explore arts-based educational resources dedicated to and created by marginalised communities.

Anti-Racist Resources
Information, resources and reading lists focused on combatting racism.

LGBTQ+ Equality Resources
Information, resources and reading lists supporting the study of queer histories, narratives and identities. 

Staff Toolkits 
Support and tools for staff working towards diversifying reading list content and making higher education more accessible to under-represented groups, and information on the Staff Reading Group. 

New & Recommended Arts Books

What is EDI?

EDI refers to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The following definitions may be helpful:

  • Equity means making sure that everyone is treated fairly and with dignity and respect. It means challenging discrimination and removing barriers, so that everyone has access to opportunities to achieve their desired outcomes.
  • Diversity is about recognising the benefits of different values, abilities, and perspectives, and celebrating people’s differences. This means promoting an environment that welcomes and values the diversity of contemporary society and facilitates an environment in which all students feel welcome in the learning community.
  • Inclusion is providing a space where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources, and where everyone feels valued and accepted. Everyone should be able to contribute and have a voice and be valued for their distinctive skills, experiences, and perspectives.
  • Liberation means working to challenge and reverse the effects of structural oppression in society, which manifest themselves in higher education in numerous ways.
  • Decolonisation, in education, involves acknowledging and critically examining the influence of colonial legacies on education systems as a whole. It is an ongoing process which critically assesses and contextualises the arguments and assumptions of Western thought within all disciplines. 

Suggestions for Purchase

The Library is not a static collection, but one that is constantly developing informed by emerging ideas, new critical lenses, what is being taught at AUB and the publishing landscape as a whole. Librarians work to ensure principles of equality, diversity and inclusion are represented across our collections.

We also want to work in a collaborative way with the AUB community in identifying the subject areas that do not address their experiences and identities. If you would like to suggest an item for stock, please use the form below.