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Creative Writing: Exploring Narrative & Genre

Exploring Narrative & Genre

Exploring the work of other writers, across different forms of publications, is one of the best sources of inspiration. Reading widely can help with idea generation, as well as understanding form, style and genre conventions.

Literary magazines are an excellent resource for this, as they publish short stories, poetry, and essays, often from new and emerging writers. 

The Library also collects award-winning fiction, creative non-fiction and short stories. For a broader selection of this type of material, consult your local public library.

Genre Fiction Resources

Selected Literary Magazines

Recommended Documentary

The Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018) is a documentary about the writer’s groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy works, her career and her worlds, both real and fantastic, and was produced with Le Guin’s participation over the course of a decade.

Fitzcarraldo Editions Titles

Local Public Library Resources

Bournemouth Libraries (Bournemouth) and Libraries West (Poole and Christchurch) provide free membership and both services give you access to a range of books, eBooks, magazines, audiobooks and online reference resources. You can join both.

In addition to print resources, these libraries also subscribe to a range of eBooks, magazines and digital audiobooks. Explore the links below for access and further information.

Very Short Introductions Series

 Science FictionBestsellersShort StoryCrime FictionHorror 

Recommended Magazine: Granta

Creative Non-Fiction Resources

Radio & Podcasts